Garden of Growth Logo - Hands holding a sphere symbolising care and insight, conveying integrity

English Speaking
Counsellor & Therapist

Integrative Psychotherapy

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Close-up view of peaceful, green moss, symbolising tranquility and growth
Aya Rechenburg - Therapist & counselor in Pargue

The inner wisdom is available to everybody. Learn the ways how to reach it.

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Your Journey

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Icon of a human head with internal stairs leading to a door, representing the exploration of one's inner world for harmony, peace, and insights.


Find Harmony and Peace in Your Inner World

Explore your inner world, where thoughts, emotions, and memories shape your experiences. Uncover the web of your essence filled with enlightening insights.

Icon of a woman `s body, symbolising attuning to one's body to discover its wisdom and achieve a balanced life.


Deepen the Connection with Your Body

Attune to your physical form, the remarkable embodiment of life itself.
Discover your body's wisdom and nurture its health to achieve a fulfilling and balanced life.

Icon of an eye symbolising the soul and its connection to universal consciousness.


Align Your Soul with the Universal

Awaken to your soul's universal synchronicity. 
Experience the connection with your transcendent Self and fuel your existence with purpose and deeper meaning. 

Icon of a human head with internal stairs leading to a door, representing the exploration of one's inner world for harmony, peace, and insights.


Are you lost in a sea of thoughts and emotions, feeling controlled by them rather than being in control? Have you ever stopped to ponder how your "inner landscape" subtly shapes your daily experiences, behaviours, and even your physical health? This is an invitation to a deeper connection with your inner Self, a journey to understand and balance your inner world.

Dive into this profound exploration and break free from the limiting patterns. Uncover how deepening your mental and emotional integrity can pave the path for a more balanced, healthier, and fulfilling life. Launch your tailor-made transformation now.

Icon of a woman `s body, symbolising attuning to one's body to discover its wisdom and achieve a balanced life.


Have you been overlooking your body's signals, enduring daily life disruptions and declining health as a given? It's time for a reawakening. This unique wellness program tunes into your body's inherent wisdom, paving a path to rejuvenation and optimal health.

Begin a transformative journey, decoding your body's language and integrating its wisdom into your lifestyle. Discover the potent synergy of physical vitality, mental clarity, and holistic well-being. Unlock a vibrant, health-focused lifestyle that's been waiting for you. Welcome to the revolution in body wellness.

Icon of an eye symbolising the soul and its connection to universal consciousness.


Have you ever sensed a whisper from within, an intuition hinting at a connection to the greater universal consciousness? This is your invitation to a unique journey that reveals the intangible realm, unveiling the deep potential of your soul and elevates your present moment awareness.

It's time to venture beyond the known. This transformative path isn't merely about living - it's about thriving with a profound sense of direction and spiritual transcendence. Step into the new paradigm, awaken your true Self and experience the divine bliss in your current reality - in the here and now.

therapy session

What to Expect

from our Session?


Engaging in Your Journey

Meaningful Change

Harness the power of change that truly matters, empowering your evolution towards a more authentic and fulfilled self.

Time Tailored to You

Every hour spent together is a precious investment in your journey. I value your individual rhythm, crafting sessions that align with your current state and energy level.

Your Control

You decide the extent of your sharing; the more open and honest you are, the more progress we can make together.

Understanding & Improvement

The goal is to comprehend your experiences and identify areas that might need attention or improvement.

A Sanctuary of Trust

Experience a supportive space where your narrative is heard without judgment.

Genuine Connection

Our sessions resemble a comforting, human-to-human dialogue rather than a cold, clinical procedure.

Foods on the table
Fresh Leaves
corner sets

Your Journey, Your Pace

Unique Sessions

Every individual is unique, and so, each session is personalized to fit your specific needs and goals.

Versatile Approach

My approach varies, from more active, coaching-like dialogues to more reflective, therapeutic discussions, depending on your needs at that moment.


Your active participation and openness significantly influence the pace and depth of your transformation.

Meeting Frequency

The frequency of our meetings contributes to your progress, with the final decision on the frequency resting with you. However, meeting once a week is generally advisable.

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See what our clients say

''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique."

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Paul Hanks
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''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique."

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Josh Willians
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''Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique."

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Emilly Stone
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Have any questions?

Is therapy right for me?
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Absolutely! Everyone can benefit from therapy at different points in their life.  Therapy is a powerful tool that can be helpful to everyone, regardless of your current situation or background. It offers a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours under the guidance of a professional.

So, whether you're feeling stuck, yearning for change, or simply wish to enhance your quality of life, therapy is a step in the right direction.

And remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows that you're ready to take control of your life and wellbeing.

How does online therapy compare to in-person therapy?
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Online therapy provides the same level of professional care and guidance as in-person therapy, with the added advantage of flexibility and convenience. You can attend sessions from the comfort of your home or wherever you feel most comfortable, saving travel time. The most important aspect is the therapeutic relationship and journey we co-create, which remains effective regardless of the medium.

What's the best way to prepare for a therapy session?
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It helps to enter each session with an open mind and readiness to explore. You might find it helpful to jot down any thoughts, feelings, or topics you'd like to discuss during the session. This is your space and time, so come as you are, without any need to present yourself in a certain way.

What can I expect during the first therapy session?
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The first session is about setting a foundation for our work together. We'll discuss your needs and what you hope to achieve from therapy. I'll explain my approach and how I can support you. This is also a time for you to ask questions and share any concerns you may have. Remember, you are the captain of your journey.

The first session lays the groundwork for our collaborative journey. This session, offered free for the first 20 minutes, is designed for us to get to know each other and establish a basis for our therapeutic relationship.

During this initial encounter, we'll explore your needs, hopes, and what you wish to achieve from therapy. I'll explain my  holistic approach to you and outline how I can support you. This time is also for you to ask any questions, share your concerns, or express your expectations.

Consider this session as the beginning of our voyage, where you are the captain steering your ship, and I'm here to help navigate the waters. Our shared goal is to ensure you feel safe, heard, and understood, setting a firm foundation for our journey ahead.

What to talk about in therapy?
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Therapy is your space to explore what's most relevant to your well-being. This can include your thoughts, feelings, relationships, challenges, and aspirations. Whether it's emotions you're struggling with, areas of your life you're dissatisfied with, or dreams you're aiming for, all are welcome in our sessions.

Is everything I share in therapy confidential?
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Yes, of course. Maintaining your confidentiality is a cornerstone of our therapeutic relationship. I am committed to creating a safe space where you can express your feelings and experiences without fear of judgment or exposure. The information you share during our therapy sessions is confidential, and I am legally bound to honour this.

What benefits can I expect from therapy?
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Therapy opens doors to numerous benefits that permeate various aspects of your life. Here's what you can expect:

  • Improvement of mental health and emotional well-being
  • Development of self-understanding, self-awareness and self-knowledge
  • Managing stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Improving communication and interpersonal relationships
  • Support in dealing with trauma, processing, and integrating past experiences
  • Streamlining strategies for problem-solving
  • Increased psychological resilience and strengthened ability to handle life challenges and emotional responses
  • Enhancing the quality of life and overall life satisfaction
  • Support in achieving personal and professional goals

These outcomes, however, depend on your active participation and the quality of the therapeutic relationship. Our first step in therapy is to build a strong, trusting alliance where you feel safe to express and explore your thoughts and feelings.

My therapeutic approach is characterized by unconditional acceptance of who you are and holistically considers all aspects of your being. It focuses on the development of consciousness and is integrative, drawing from various psychotherapeutic directions as well as Eastern spiritual traditions.

This gives us a wide range of options to respond to your current needs, allowing more effective work with emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of your personality. Additional benefits of this approach include:

  • Gradual calming of intrusive thoughts and negative thought processes
  • Significant reduction in the intensity of physical pain
  • More effective use of life potential, higher self-realization, clearer life vision
  • Deeper connection with the body and emotions
  • Integration of body and mind - developing conscious connection between physical experience and mental processes
  • Deeper authenticity - true understanding and expression of oneself, regardless of others' opinions
  • More pronounced self-acceptance - gradually accepting all aspects of personality, including imperfections and limitations
  • Stronger connection with the true self - strengthening the connection with one's true essence and values
  • More conscious decision-making and working with intention - developing the ability to make choices based on a deep understanding of oneself and the world around
  • Deeper synchronicity with the pulse of your essence and alignment inside out
How long does it usually take to see results from therapy?
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The timeline for therapy results varies greatly from person to person, depending on factors such as the nature of the concerns, personal commitment to the process, and frequency of sessions. Some individuals may see changes within a few sessions, while for others it might take longer. Rest assured, each step on this journey contributes to your  well-being and personal growth.